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Notes and Themes Discussed
- Start: 10:30am EST
- General topic: application of algorithmic governance and reputation systems in a variety of DAO’s, particularly as Algovera begins to establishes its own reputation system
- Thoughts on the reading: “Are “DAO’s” a Panopticon”?
- Big Q: Is algorithmic governance just another flavor of authoritarian/behavior bending surveillance?
- What would be an approach to create a “trustless” reputation system w/o monitoring?
- Reputations work in small scales, contextually (that greek guy(?))
- transitioning into a digital landscape, there is a permanence that is not found in the “village”
- ex: ebay seller percentages (permanence, little possibility of remediation)
- Sandboxing a reputation system:
- Local to a context and scope (ex: juntos vs a meeting squad)
- intent: surfacing individual info to the larger community to decide on coordination
- Federated DAO’s and SubDAO’s
- Reputational systems at various levels of organizational abstraction
- The Question of reputation “score”:
- How do we properly reflect social “value” added to a group?
- A score appears simplistic
- However, scores allow simple information indices about persons (again ebay satisfaction ratings, or yelp)
- How tf do we measure energy/vibration?
- could there be other myriad effects of plugging in subjective social-attestation scores into a algorithmic governance platform
- A sandbox appears necessary